OK, so I know I said I was going to post more pictures of our home make over, before and afters,
We ended up taking a winter break!
We've done so much work, so much painting, so much demolishing, so much of so many things,
we took a break.
We have a list, you know those little projects that seem such a pain to start because they're tedious ones, but they need to be done,
DH wanted a break and I don't blame him,
he did so much himself,
(we're getting old)
so now winter is slowly behind us, trees are budding, bulbs are coming up
and we have A LOT of yard work to do as well.
So the list is growing
and when this month is over, we'll get back to it.
I ordered fabric for our living room windows, getting ready for summer colors.
Looking through plant catalogs and websites getting ideas for our small front yard, which we have some major things to do to.
So, although they're calling for snow tonight into tomorrow, Spring is just around the corner and our list is getting bigger.
Here we go again!