My Casa Bella







-Thomas Osbourne Davis

Welcome To My Casa Bella

My Casa Bella- means-my beautiful home- but it can mean so many other things. How you make your home a home. The sounds of children or pets playing. The aroma of scones in the oven or a lilac candle burning. The flowers blooming in your garden. The home grown vegetables ready to be picked. Grandma's quilt at the foot of the bed. A fire to curl up to with a good book. Or just a family spending time together with love, laughter and a good time.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Relaxing Evening

I've had a busy day today, it's been nice
to be able to do
a little more. DH had to work today, his
one Saturday every
six weeks, which stinks but it has to be
done. So I thought
I'd play in my sewing room for a little.
Looks like it exploded, paper, glue,
embellishments, stamps
everywhere, oh my!
My Sewing table, fabric squares all
neatly spread out by color.
I'm using some of these to make my
brooches out of.
My ironing board out, ironing fabric before
cutting them.
And all that on top are scrapbook papers.
Going through my
stash, oh, and I just realized my dresser
drawers are wide open.
So yes, I was in there, playing and making
a mess, which I always do
when I'm getting ready for a show coming up.
Sadly though, this is the first
craft show that I'm really not looking forward
to. I know its because I can't
do as much as I'm used to. All the sewing I do
and cutting and glueing.
Can't do that this time, so I'm just going to take
what I have and make things
that will be easier
on my recuperating body. My dear friend and
craft show parntner, Valerie, tells
me not to worry.
We'll have fun like we always do. I know
she's right.
The craft show iscoming up rather  
quickly, I try not to
think about it but
it's hard not to, its the first Saturday
in March. It'll be here
before you know it. But since I am still
so limited in what I can do
I decided to keep it simple. I have some
purses left to sell,
I'm going to alter some clipboards and
notebooks, I'm also endeavoring
to make some fabric
brooches. I have leftover fabric and
didn't know what I
should do with them, then I did some
research and found books
on Brooches.
How excited I was, then I went online
and saw others were
making them as well, so many pretty
ones out there.
I made these over time. They are so much
fun to make!
So today I spent time cutting fabric. Lots
of it. I can do that sitting
down, so that is good for me.
I purchased two books on brooches and
I plan to purchase
another one for more ideas. Can't wait!
So, after that, I was craving
It's been over three weeks since I baked
anything and I thought
I'd try it. It was nice to be able to bake,
I miss it, but now I
am tired.
I hear my tea kettle, time to make some tea.
Have a good night!


  1. Arlene dear!
    WOW! Thank you for coming by! You are a busy woman with all those fun crafting materials. What kind of scones are those in the first picture? It reminds me of the savory scones I used to make with sun-dried tomatoes and parmesan cheese....thank you for coming by for a "Dutch Treat"; the masters of art and my Dutch pals are masters of the art of friendship and their own art. Isn't it fun to create? Have a lovely weekend and keep on creating!!!


  2. Lovely work! And my, what yummy looking scones! Mmm! But yes, I can see why you're tired now...go take a break. *hugs*

  3. Oh Arlene, you have no idea how much I envy you having a special room for your sewing! It looks like heaven to me. Even though I do not know how to sew, I would dearly love to be able to devote a room just to my baking-related items. As it is here now, my things are overflowing from this cupboard and that shelf, both in my kitchen and in the basement. Your room is charming and peaceful and I can just imagine the contentment it brings you to spend the better part of a day there, working on your craft. Lovely photos!

    Jane M.
    (of Jane's Sweets)

  4. These brooches are adorable, so springy & sweet! And I know you're getting impatient at the recovery time, but enjoyed this forced period of slow down. Before you know it you'll be back in the "race" against the clock. I enjoyed my recovery quiet time so much, I still contemplate what else I could do with out...I dont really NEED that gallbladder do I? OH for a quiet day on the sofa w/ a good book and some English Breakfast tea...

  5. Anita- they're cranberry scones, yummy with tea.
    Jane- I LOVE my shop, I am so happy with it. Its nice to work in there and shut the door to the messes that I make..:)
    Valerie- my dear friend, I am loving the time relaxing, except this craft show hasn't made it that much fun right now. Otherwise I would be watching movies and reading, but I have to cut fabric and make things. Oh well.

  6. Those scones look delicious! How nice to have an evening to yourself to "play". I love days like that! You will have a wonderful time with your friend Valerie and try not to worry about what you aren't able to do now...{That's hard, I know!} Enjoy your time - it sounds like so much fun!

  7. It's nice to see you have been able to get about more and more! And those scones look quite scrumptious. I hadn't had scones since a friend & I went to tearoom about a year ago.
    It's good you found something to do for the craft show that isn't to taxing for you. I'm sure you and your friend will have a great time! =)) Take care & have fun!

  8. Hi Casa Bella, Thanks for calling in on my blog and commenting. I love the look of your blog and will pop in for a browse when I have more time. Teresa x

  9. Hi Arlene! I wish I could come over and have tea & scones with you! We could sit in your craft room and let me admire it in person. :) Hope you have a fabulous weekend!



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